Friday, January 8, 2010

Bumps/spots on my arms?

i have these things all over my arms that are like little spots but they don't have anything in them, ive tried using scrubs and a rough sponge but nothing will take them away.Bumps/spots on my arms?
Apparently it's common to have little bumps on the upper arms

It might be something called keratosis pilaris so look that upBumps/spots on my arms?
there is really a wonderful product from clinic that will really help you to get red of bumps and spots and make your skin soft and radient it is name SPARKLE SKIN BODY EXFOLIATING CREAM
maybe its from the sun

or maybe you got bit by something (fleas,mosquitoes ect)

i once had an allegric reaction from mosquitoes and had these big bumps on my arms like a big bubbley thing.

ya that was the worst time ever haha so nasty!
I have them too! they can be really annoying but are nothing to worry about. try using E45 cream. just rub it into your arms everynight. it doesn't get rid of them completly but it does help!

may be from the sun. depends on your age. it could be pubrity too

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