Monday, April 26, 2010

Brown spots on sunburn??

i went to miami for spring break last week and go a pretty bad burn in the middle of my chest. these little brown spots appeared in the burn...will they go away? my burn is now a tan but there are still a few brown spots.Brown spots on sunburn??
They will fade a little but it takes a really long time. I still have brown freckles on my back from a burn I got 4 years ago. At least the bathing suit lines have faded.Brown spots on sunburn??
Yikes!! get to the dermatologist right away! It's probably nothing, but since skin cancer is reaching epidemic proportions, I'd say you don't want to take ANY risks!!
you'll be fine love, ive seen some pretty bad cases that didnt end up in anything... besides i fake bake and those show up more when i do.. if you stop tanning they might go away but if you keep tanning theyll most likely stay.. i personally like them but its your opinion

they could also possibly be skin that didnt exfoliate off with the other pieces as much too and if thats the case ya theyll go away prob within a week

i live in know all about sunburns =]

itl definatly go away. dont worry about it. its what happens to alot of the tourists that visit here, who like dont get much sun i guess where they live. so like when they get the burn it just looks different.

iv lived here all my life, so when i get burned, its just tan...xD

so relax

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