Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Spots on skin?

i've been going to the tanning bed lately and i noticed a bright pink dot on my breast. its getting bigger and i have two smaller ones near my underarm on the other side. what could this be???Spots on skin?
Sunbeds use high powered UV lights these have been linked to skin cancer.. however dont panic as your spots may not be skin cance. I would say stop using the tanning beds and get a skin test from your doctor just to be safe. The spots may be a simple heat rash but these tend to be more widespread than just a few spots.

Be safe not sorry and get checked.Spots on skin?
Do you see the spots after your tanning sessions or during the session?

The UV lights will show your skin in a different light. (No pun intended.)

I suggest calling the advice nurse with your HMO who will give you the best advice. Keep an eye on it and let us know what happens.
If it isn't a burn (sometimes when they change the lights in the bed, they can burn) then it is probably an allergic reaction to something in the tanning beds. Even though they clean them, there is still a lot there that can spread.

It could also be the UV light. or heat rash.... need more details to be sure. but those are possibilities.

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