The best spot removal topical lotion that I have used so far is Zenmed's Derma Cleanse Acne Gel. It is a completely herbal product that works very well for getting rid of facial acne, spots and zits. I'm very satisfied with its effectiveness, so would advise you to give it a try for a quick relief from spots and clogged pores
The gel would not only clear up your spots quickly but would also open clogged pores that would help to accelerate the healing process, and reduce the redness and swelling that spots appear with at times. The biggest advantage of using this spot treatment is that it doesn't dry out the skin to remove spots like many other treatments but instead keeps the skin lightly moisturized.Spots help needed fast?
If the spots you're talking about are hyperpigmentation, there's not a whole lot you could do at home. A face peel may help lighten it up, microdermabrasion may work even better. But I don't think you could have anything beyond a very gentle face peel done in this time span.
If the spots are something else, I don't think I can give you much advice unless you wouldn't mind describing them a bit more.
Either way, I think you'll look great in the photos if you just put a little concealer on the spots and blend with your foundation. And smile :)
I would stay away from a facial at this point- unless you've had them before and know they won't trigger a break-out for you. You can definitely exfoliate gently yourself at home with either a ready-made or home-made exfoliant. I'd do that a couple days before the event just to make sure any potential irritation has a chance to die down.
I hope that helps, and if you don't mind sharing more info, I'll try to help you more if I can!
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