Monday, December 14, 2009

OMG!! i have red itchy spots all over me. and like they are like pinkish. i got them yesterday PLEASE HELP!!!?

i was wearin my bath robe cuz i was ready to take a shower. then suddenly i started itchin. so when i got in the shower. and it stopped. now it SUDDENLY STARTED again!!!! please help and what is the reason for all this. =] thanks in advance.OMG!! i have red itchy spots all over me. and like they are like pinkish. i got them yesterday PLEASE HELP!!!?
Sounds like you may be allergic to whatever your robe was last washed in. Are you trying a new laundry detergent or fabric softener?OMG!! i have red itchy spots all over me. and like they are like pinkish. i got them yesterday PLEASE HELP!!!?
You might be allergic to something. Have you been using anything new that could have gotten washed off in shower.
this happened to me couple days ago...does it itch REALLY REALLY REALLY badly and then stop itching for a while? that's what mine did. they went away in about 4 days, and i went to the doctor and she wasn't concerned. so...
Sounds like an allergic reaction. Or hives maybe. Did you come into contact with anything out of the ordinary? Soaps, shampoos, detergents? Did you eat anything unusual? Is your robe new? Take some benadryl and get an ant itch lotion. If it doesn't improve by tomorrow see a doctor.

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