Thursday, December 17, 2009

SPOTS!!!! anyone help me?

lately ive been getting alot of spots on my face, and i do wash my face everyday, can anyone tell me what could be the problem?SPOTS!!!! anyone help me?
hi jem

drink 6-8 classes of water a day this will help flush your body out and help clear your skin that what my doctor told me and in three weeks it really did work

if you dont feel it does you can get a cream from doctor to help with this

hope this helps

hope you have a great 18th birthday for when it comesSPOTS!!!! anyone help me?
im a beauty therapist and there are a few reasons that your face could be breaking out

1 hormones- if the pimples are situtated mainly around your jaw its hormones and im sorry to say that there is not much you can do to stop them

2 cleanser- you could be using the wrong cleanser ( you need to use one that is for oily/ combination skin (not sure as i dont know the extent of your break out) prefebably one that is a foam based cleanser as this will help lift the oil from the skin or use one that is anti-bacteral

3 genitics- this one sucks! as you cant do anything to stop it but you can treat it with a good cleanser.

i have found out of all the different products that i have worked with dermalogica is the can buy a travel size pack of the range so you can really see if it suits you will out spending too much. you can buy it only at a beauty salon or on ebay. hope this helps
i have this problem.

Maybe its your diet...

you may not like taking vitamins but try taking them anyway even if you eat healthily.

Or for a temporary solution, go to claires and use their white chocolate mask, i was covered in spots a few days ago but this cleared them up,

make sure you leave it on until completly dry, then wash of with hot water,

use your normal cleanser and toner, rinse with hot water, then cold, and then apply your moisturizer

hope it works for u too!
hi its probably just ur hormones being at the age u are, and i am almost 19 and i get the odd breakout now n then, sometimes a bad break out then they can be not too bad at all but evrione gets them, im sure, i would definitely recommend staying away from any harsh chemicals and i dont agree with all these spot treatments clearasil, oxy, clean and clear etc none of them work and if anything make ur skin worse i found using baby powder by simply putting it on ur spots before going to bed works like a charm and has great results which u can see the next morning it works great, and dries out all the spots, gets rid of them in no time at all, and doesnt dry ur skin in the process, i use it all the time and i sware by it, also ive recently just gotten into using a facial sauna 3 times a week which works great also as it clears everything out of ur pores and is great for getting rid of spots, since ive been using the facial sauna 3 times a week, my skin is so much bettter its clearer feels healthier and i dont get as many breakouts at all its great, and i strongly recommend these i hope this helps best of luck, x
this is the best one you can get, me and my friends all use it, i would recommend it to anyone. Tea tree facial scrub. use day and night, and in days it works wonders. good luck.
You dont state your age? it could be your hormones/diet or possibly a change in diet that has developed and allergic reaction? have u change any skin products u use? give benzoyl peroxide a try if they are really bad you can get this from your chemist but remember to moisturise as it can dry skin out. good luck
i had lots of problems with spots, i worked out it was the face wash i was using. i went through loads trying to find one that didn't give me spots and its nivea face wash give it a try if you want but its not cheap. you'll know by the end of the first tube if it works for you
Wash your face every day with Aloe Vera or a proper Aloe Vera Lotion. It is an amazing Natural Cleanser. This worked for me. Also, are you stressed out at the moment? this could also be a factor.
it could be acne so go to the doctors and you might get some tablets, but i use clearasil daily wash,

but i do this about once a week

boil some hot water add 2 squirts of clearasil and a tea spoon of salt and it drys the skin but its works on me:)

Or maybe not. I'm no doctor -- I would suggest asking someone who is.
go to the doctor

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